
Individual Sessions & Coaching Packages

1. Reiki Energy Healing

I started doing Reiki for over 15 years. I think it’s one of the most powerful energy healing techniques. In relation to Relationship and Intimacy Coaching, I use Reiki as an X-ray or an MRI scanner. Sometimes we think the problem is somewhere, but the root cause is actually something else. This is the experience so far that I found with my clients.

At the beginning of each session, I scan and clear the aura of my clients, and see what feelings come up, then I start the Reiki session. Sometimes I can see the colors of certain chakras, however, often I would feel the blockage and the emotion or problem associated with it. I remember one client who came and her lower back needed a lot of energy and attention, and when I asked does she feel any pain in the area, she confirmed that. The embedded problem, however, is her feeling that she is on her own, and she feels lonely and unsupported.  

At the end of each session, I give feedback about all that I felt in the session, emotions, Chakra blockages, and which area needed more energy. I always recommend that my clients book a Reiki session before starting their coaching session because it acts as a strong compass to where we should head next.  

How Does It Work?
  • I did Reiki healing for over a decade. I think it’s one of the most powerful energy healing techniques. In relevance to relationship and intimacy coaching, I use Reiki as an X-ray or an MRI scanner. Sometimes we think the problem is somewhere, but the root cause is actually something else. This is the experience I found so far with my clients. At the beginning of each session, I scan and clear the aura of my clients, and see what feelings come up, then I start the Reiki session. Sometimes I can see the colors of certain chakras, however, often I would feel the blockages and the emotions or problems associated with it. I remember one client who came and her lower back needed a lot of energy and attention, and when I asked does she feel any pain in the area, she confirmed that. The embedded problem, however, is her feeling that she is on her own, and she feels lonely and unsupported.

    At the end of each session, I give feedback about all that I felt in the session, emotions, chakra blockages, and which area needed more energy. I always recommend that my clients book a Reiki session before starting their coaching session because it acts as a strong compass to where we should head next. I also offer an Oracle card reading in the session, which often reveals mind-blowing information akin to the healing process. 

35+ Men and Women

2. Cosmic Intimacy

The key / secret component that holds any relationship together

SEX stands for the Synergistic Energy Exchange. The sexual energy is the most powerful energy, it’s the energy of creation. Sexuality is a portal to freedom, and our nervous system is capable of experiencing orgasm at least 10 x stronger than what we are used to. The thing is nobody taught us that sexuality also a doorway to spirituality. It is a bridge that can take us to higher levels of consciousness. We are orgasmic beings, that is our birthright. However, by that, I don’t mean the 2-min orgasm that you can only feel in your genitals. I mean a whole-body orgasm.

Deciding If This Is Right For You

I give an introductory overview of each course before we start. After, you can decide if that is the kind of knowledge that will help you or not. This is discussed in your free session, with no extra charge.

What You'll Learn
  • How can you tap into your multi-orgasmic nature (men too)
  • Semen Retention (why is it important for women to know about this)
  • What turns men off after ejaculation
  • How women sexuality, and intimacy work
  • How to build lasting love and compassion in your relationship
  • How to utilize the sexual energy to its full potential
  • Learn about the missing link between spirituality and sexuality

We discuss

3. R.R.B Method!

Relationship patterns

Einstein’s definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. So if you want a different relationship, a different partner, a different path with an existing relationship, then clearing the blockages, and old patterns are quintessential. That is why the word Reset is key in my methodology.

What is holding you back?

In the R.R.B Methodology, we tap the vein, we identify the real set back, and work from there.

What You'll Learn
  • Healing from the root
  • Aligning with the partner you have
  • Attracting the partner you want if you are single (after the reset)
  • Removing past energy cords


The Inner Work

Work with me one and one in person or virtually.

Often times when we change our mindset and shift our perspective on how we see something, our problems also shift. By that, I don’t mean they disappear. I mean, I tend to see a hidden angle to them, that I didn’t acknowledge before. Usually, when I feel trapped with no way out, the first step is I gauge my vibration. What emotions do I feel at that moment? Am I frustrated, sad, angry? Often, when we are imbued with these emotions, it’s quite difficult to see a light at the end of the tunnel. More often than not, we are quite ready to go into a panic attack. In that case, I change my frequency and vibration by not letting these emotions take over. Every time I do this and when I get into a calmer and peaceful state of being, a window opens, and I see that there is another angle to that challenge that I have overlooked amid my panic.

When you work with me, you will learn that too. How to be calm amid the storm. How to be a better navigator, and learn to shift your perspective. You will also learn to determine if you are operating from a low vibration and be conscious of it. What this will do is you will know how to stir your emotions rather than they stir you. These are indispensable tools in your life skills toolbox because you will not feel you are living life as a victim. You are more in the copilot seat.

What is in the session?

Individual sessions will be set and decided upon after your free session. If you feel comfortable proceeding, usually, we determine what is the most burning issue in your life right now that you need to solve. For example, chronic stress, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, or relationship issues. We proceed from there and decide what are we going to work on and how many sessions you might need. 

  • $99 Video session GST included (60 minutes)
  • $144 Video session GST included (90 minutes)
  • $69 Cord Removal GST included (60 min)

Prices are in USD and it includes the GST for Canadians. 

Cord Removal

When we have sex, we exchange fluids. There’s also an energy exchange. Each time we have sex, we receive a part of our partner’s energy into our energy field, and they receive part of ours. 

During sex, we create energy cords with our partners.  Their thoughts, feelings, and their overall energy, if they are positive or negative people, we take part in it in our aura. This can affect us and drain us for years, every time this cord is activated.

Activation happens when we or they think, contact, or see us, even virtually. 

When a person has sex with multiple people, they are absorbing and transferring a lot of energy and information between many people, and their auras/energy field can get muddied by past traumas and exchanged negativity.

This is just one of a few situations you could go on a date, and you are really excited and prepared for it. On the actual date, you come across as a total snob, or you were oozing negativity, and you completely put this person off. Why? You could be carrying some negative vibes from a past relationship, and it got triggered by your new prospect. Believe me, it happened to all of us. 

In these sessions, I guide you through a process where we get to remove energetic attachments and cords that are holding you back.

Tantra for Connection and Chemistry TCC is a powerful tool. This is a super fun activity and interactive workshop. It aims at opening the heart chakra and helps you learn the art of effortless connection with your partner, or potential partner. It is a gift to give to yourself and the person you are with because it will teach you how to shift your focus from the “I” to the “We”. You will explore intimacy aka into me see, as you haven’t done before. This is done through sensual and playful exercises and games. (2-3 hours activity). It can be done for individuals or multiple couples. 

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